Nature and your phone.
Nature and your phone.
An interesting article came out yesterday, on the Austin Monthly website, which was discussing nature and your phone. I often see people out on walks with their phone held in their hands. They will be checking up on social media, or replying to texts. It is such a shame, as they are missing out on the amazing thing which is nature. They are not hearing the sounds, or seeing what is there. They are not discovering new things. The mobile phone is such a big part of most people’s lives nowadays, but there is a place for it. To experience nature as it should be you need to leave technology behind and use all of your senses. The author of the Austin Monthly article as amazed at how you can get connected with nature, if you only put your phone away.
Despite this, I must admit that most of my photographs are taken on my mobile phone, as I love to capture them for your viewing on this website. I find that quickly pulling a phone from my pocket is much easier than carrying a large camera around with me. I can also keep it hidden away, unless I need it for the perfect shot.
Austin Monthly forest bathing article link.