Snails are fascinating creatures. Their variety in shell colour and their ability, it would seem, to get everywhere. Only this morning, I looked out of my bedroom window to see one staring back in at me. As it is getting to that damp time of year you begin to see more of them out and about “zooming” across footpaths.
The Snail World website has many interesting facts about them. It explains how some hibernate during the colder months. How you can tell their age by the size of its shell. That most snails are hermaphrodites. Also, that they tend to live between 2-5 years.
Last year, I discovered some snail eggs in the garden and checked every day so that I could see them when they hatched out. It was unbelievable how tiny they were, and very cute of course. You just never know what you are going to find, when you have the time to stop and look.